If your county is part of a federal disaster declaration, you may be eligible for individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for expenses such as temporary housing and home repair. Residents with damage can submit an application online at www.disasterassistance.gov or by calling 800.621.FEMA (3362). In instances when Individual Assistance is not available under a disaster declaration, low interest loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA) may be available to assist with repair costs. For information about whether your county is covered by a federal declaration, visit the South Carolina Emergency Management Division website.
For more information on the assistance provided by FEMA, visit https://www.fema.gov/node/what-assistance-does-fema-provide.
The South Carolina Emergency Management Division maintains updated information on resources and assistance for individuals and families impacted by disasters. For details, visit their Emergency Shelters page.
In counties designated for Individual Assistance, SC Housing has a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures. For current disaster declarations and FEMA information, visit FEMA's disaster page.
Visit the National Flood Insurance Program website for assistance.
Dial 2-1-1 or visit 211.org, a service of the United Way. They provide information on disaster preparedness, up-to-date information on road closures, evacuation routes, shelters, disaster relief assistance, and recovery resources. They partner with Homeland Security, CDC, FEMA, and local emergency management programs.
Able SC can assist you. Contact them at 803.779.5121 or visit able-sc.org.
Veterans Affairs may be able to assist you. Their 24-hour hotline is 800.698.2411. If you need an interpreter, call 800.698.2411 and select 0.
For a list of all SC Public Housing Agencies and their jurisdictions, see the HUD Public Housing Authority Contact Information.
HUD and USDA may have subsidized rental properties available. Use the HUD website search tool to locate subsidized apartments throughout South Carolina. Additional subsidized apartments can be found through USDA Rural Development.
Additionally, grants from the Single Family Housing Rural Disaster Home Repair Grants from the USDA and the Home and Property Disaster Loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration may be available.
Please check this page often as we will add more resources as they become available.